Outback travel advice

Outback Travel Advice: Medical Emergencies

I’ve just finished travelling around Australia with my wife and three daughters. We spent more than three and a half years on the road. Here is my outback travel advice and how we handled...

Caravanning Danger: Reindeer Crossing

Yes, it's that time of the year again. Soon, Santa will be harnessing up the reindeer and heading off with all the pressies, so watch out for him if you're caravanning this Christmas. Traffic will...

A Caravan Obsession

When Graeme and Robyn Pleming sold their herd of dairy cows a couple of years ago, they were no longer tied to milking twice a day. They could start thinking about enjoying their semi-retirement....

Majestic Couple’s Caravan

Chris and Carol Brett met in Guernsey (one of the Channel Islands) when she went there as a nurse. Chris had recently returned to his home there after getting his degree in England. I suppose...

Paddling Lawn Hill Gorge

In my previous column I said I'd tell you more about our time as school photographers. It was great travelling this great country and getting paid to do so and we went to a...

Travelling With Kids: Challenges and Rules

Travelling with kids has its challenges. And because it so graphically illustrates the need for everyone to take care, even in the relatively safe confines of a caravan park, GoRV is linking to this...

Top Five Family Caravanning Tips

We are a family of four doing the big lap. We are ‘Four Hands in a Tin Can’: Peter, Annie, Liam and Mia and thought that, as our initials spelt ‘palm’, we could use...

Tow Vehicles and Best-Sellers

BOOKS I'VE WRITTEN My wife, Vi, was in hospital at Esk, Qld, and I was at a loose end between visits to the hospital, so I started writing down all the things I could think...

Why We Love Our Caravan

People often ask why we chose an On The Move caravan, as there are so many vans to choose from these days. Most modern vans have great features and what appeals to one won't...

Caravan Industry Hits Back

Recent media commentary claiming the Australian caravanning industry has little or no regulation demonstrates ignorance and a lack of understanding surrounding how the industry is governed, claims Caravan Industry Association of Australia CEO Stuart...
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