Traveller Caravan Obsession

Ken and Sylvia Pilkington, my next door neighbours at the Walkamin Central Van Park on the Atherton Tableland, Far North Queensland, are a long way from what used to be their home in Christies...

Advice: Kids and Caravanning

Children add a different, sometimes challenging dimension to caravanning. But there’s no better way to spend the school holidays than pulling up at a beachside camp. However, if that beachside spot is more than...

In Defence of Caravanners

If you’re anything like me, you’re sick of certain parts of the media bleating about ‘bloody caravanners’. The star of one particular truck driver rose recently following his inflammatory comments on a website dedicated to...

Travelling with Dogs: 5 Simple Rules

They are your best friend at home, so why not when you’re on the road? I am, of course, referring to dogs. Or a pet of any species. But when it comes to RVing with...

Happy Hour Etiquette

Anyone who travels will be familiar with the ritual of happy hour, whether it is in a caravan park or a camping spot in the bush. It is the nature of people to gather and...

Reversing Lights: No Room For Logic

Why don’t all caravans have reversing lights? Caravans are large, visually obstructive objects. Therefore, anything that gives the driver an advantage when reversing, especially at night, should be welcome. I, for one, have difficulty understanding...

Community RV weigh-in

A community RV ‘weigh-in’ will take place in Mount Gambier, SA, on June 17. Spearheaded by Matt Sutton of Everything Caravan and Camping, the weigh-in is principally designed as an educational effort. “The weigh-in will involve...

Offroad Caravans: Limitations and Warranty

When is an offroad caravan not an offroad caravan? According to some of Australia’s best-known offroad caravan manufacturers, a genuine offroad van will be purpose-built for such duties. And, yes, it’s only logical. But...

Personalise Your Caravan!

We all have our preferences when it comes to choosing a caravan or other RV. And once we have made our purchase, it is time to personalise it to not only distinguish it from...

Ultimate Xterran Life

The first Ultimate camper trailer we ever saw was in the Kimberley about 17 years ago. It came around a bend on an unsealed road, leaving Steve and I gasping and wondering what on...
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