4WDing Basics

Australia offers one of the best opportunities to holiday in untainted, beautiful country. Given the expanse of the country, often a 4WD is the only way to see the best spots. They offer one...

Yemmy’s Tale: Part 4

After a few relaxing days at Cape Le Grand National Park, WA, Lionel and I headed for the lovely seaside town of Esperance and the sea was the most beautiful blue. We drove to...

Flat Out Hoses: Review

As someone who prioritises caravan safety and hygiene, my recent discovery while fixing a leak in my hose left me shocked. I had purchased this hose several years ago at a local caravan show,...

Why We Love Our Caravan

People often ask why we chose an On The Move caravan, as there are so many vans to choose from these days. Most modern vans have great features and what appeals to one won't...

Lego Caravan World Record

It’s said that memories of childhood are the dreams that stay with you after you wake. For me, my childhood dreams were of blocks of plastic, each with eight little nobly bits on one...

Homeward Bound

After a wonderful time at the lovely Walkamin Van Park in Far North Queensland, it was time to come home. While there, I became friends with Mark and Dallas – the new owners of the...

Paws for Thought: Caravanning With Dogs

They say a dog is man’s best friend. Personally, I couldn’t agree more. They have a way of getting under your skin and working their way to your heart. So much so that many...

Why We Love Our Sirocco II Fans

There you are, away in your caravan, on one of those still, sticky nights that makes sleep difficult. No problem! Turn on the Sirocco II fan on the wall at the end of the bed. We...

At Sea With Murphy

Besides careering around Australia taking pictures of children for the dreaded school photos, we looked after the RACV Caravan Club's foreshore camping area on the shores of Port Philip Bay, Vic, during the summer...

This Caravan Life

What is it about a caravan that is so appealing? I think I fell in love with them as a child, sitting rugged up in bed listening to my dad reading The Wind in...
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