Top Award for Carac

Ashley James (front, left), Tammy James (front, middle) and CIAV CEO Rob Lucas (front, right) with the Carac team.

The Victorian RV industry has a new dealer/retail of the year, Carac Caravan Accessories.

Carac was handed this prestigious award at the Caravan Industry Association of Victoria’s night of nights, the Hall of Fame Industry Awards in July.

Carac’s Tammy James told GoRV the entire team was honoured to be named the Victorian RV industry’s best retailer.

Carac’s Dandenong Caravan Accessories has been a part of the caravanning community for almost 50 years. It has beeb a family-run business for more than three generations.

“From humble beginnings where caravan parts and accessories were an add-on to our automotive business, a boom in caravanning in the last three decades has seen this become the number one focus of our business,” Tammy said. “With our new store in Dandenong South, we can supply just about anything one might need for their next caravanning or camping adventure.

“We have an extensive range and knowledge of heaters and air-conditioners, awnings, matting, plumbing, electrical, gas fittings, solar, battery systems, braking systems, weight distribution solutions, caravan security, fridges and ovens, trailers and trailer and caravan spare parts, to name a few.”

Carac also has a fully-equipped workshop for caravan servicing, installations and repairs – it is accredited under the CIAV’s Service Safe program.